It was a long time since i worked anywhere but the kitchen. Angel was on leave to see her family, so I took her position last week.
I was feeling out of practice and suffering from my wart problem. Anyways, after two days everything seemed to be under my control, but my wart.
I can say the bar is definitely cooler compared to the kitchen. There are several air conditioners outside the kitchen, near the bar.
Actually, there are always lots of heat sources in a restaurant. For example: the stoves, oven, cooler and refrigerator. In the kitchen, the stoves and oven area is the hottest place. When you stand there, you can't stop wiping the sweat off your brow. I was so glad I didn't have to stand in front of the stoves last week.
Once angel told me that it is a low C:P ratio for our customers who order the caesar salad, um......I can agree with that part. But on the other hand, it can't bring our restaurant a fortune, only reputation.
Now, Angel is back and I have to go back to my hot kitchen. Obviously, I should buy and set up more air conditioning in my kitchen, then my life will be more comfortable.